How to hire a best SEO company | Lucid Softech

How to hire a best SEO company

By Lucid Softech IT Solutions | SEO,  17 May 2017

When it’s about choosing a right company to manage your SEO work then you could face issues. Hiring a best SEO company is like a particle in a sea, finding right company is really a herculean task. There are lot of companies in the market and all saying the same thing telling the almost same approach and same kind of commitment. This gives rise to a the next question:


So what you will do?

You did a search on Google for “Best SEO Company” and got a list of 300+ SEO firms. You will start communication with top ranked companies.

Is it finished and so easy? The answer is NO.

Once you will contact with any SEO team / agency then they all will tell you the same story. Also one thing that you need to take care that “No one on the planet can promise every client to get them onto the first page of Google”. So with this article we are trying to explain few steps that will be helpful while hiring a SEO company.

1- What you need: As SEO services are very vast and it’s includes link building, SEO audit, On page SEO, Off page SEO, PPC management, beating a particular competitor and link removal etc. So first you need to decide that which service you want? So once you will set a goal in mind then it will be easier while hiring a best SEO company. Goal you can set based on your type of business and industry for example: ecommerce website will need more sales, a business website will need more queries/ leads, an informational website will need more visits etc. etc. So your goal may vary depending on your business.

2- Collect list of consultancies/ companies: In this process you can choose few companies (4 to 5). You can discuss with them on your marketing goals and based on that they will provide plan and then you will be in position to evaluate things. You can ask various questions to know the strategy of those companies and approach. Questions mentioned below will be useful:

A) What will be the process to achieve the goal?
B) What will be reporting structure?
C) How and when they will communicate?
D) Any PLAN B if things will not work?
E) What may be approx time to achieve results?
F) What tools they are using?
G) What are the report formats?

So above are few questions that you can ask and it will clear more doubt.

Discuss with friends and family: You can also discuss with your friends, colleagues and groups and they may give you advice which may be very helpful to you. May be they can suggest some company, some areas to check based on their past experience. So it is always better to discuss with friend and family. This will definitely help you a hiring a better SEO company.

Get references: After finalizing, start working in deep with those companies and try to know about their structures. You can ask them about their case studies, testimonials and try to talk to their current clients. So from this you can know the satisfaction level of their clients and the work quality. Also check the site’s own rankings.
So follow these above mentioned steps in hiring the SEO Company and let me know your experience

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